particular group (lets say just for females or people younger than certain age). Stata Faq Creating Percent Summary Variables. Legend Formatting in Stata In Stata the legend is automatically added when you create a graph with multiple lines. Stata version 11 (released July 2009) contains a graphical user interface (GUI) for command entry. Most Stata commands follow the same basic syntax: Command varlist, options. Many of my colleagues use Stata (note it is not STATA), and I particularly like it for various panel data models. We will use the Oxford COVID-19 policy tracker to generate the following graphs: Like other guides, a basic knowledge of Stata is assumed.
Now, we can graph read0 and read1 as shown below. 190–215 Speaking Stata: Graphing categorical and compositional data Nicholas J. For those times just add legend(on) or legend(off). What you could do is use another data series to repeat the information and change that series plot order. bysort sorts the data so we can calculate the mean by groups. Stata line graph by group We start by creating 100 firms which we will track over 11 time periods.